It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the Department of Business and Office Administration of PSU-San Carlos City Campus. The department is manifested in significant research outputs of faculty members with excellent academic learning and multifaceted competencies. At present, the department runs four programs, namely;
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management (BSBA-HRDM),
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Marketing Management (BSBA-MM),
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial Management (BSBA-FM), and
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Office Administration (BSOA).
It has a carefully designed curriculum where students acquire advanced knowledge in the field of business management and other relevant fields (Marketing, Human Resource, Finance, Office Administration, Law, Accounting, Technology, etc.) aiming at integrating educational business contents and models with the recent trends and developments both in public and private sectors.
Accreditation of BSBA & BSOA programs is the hallmark of excellence in business education and serves as an avenue to continuously improve and provide quality education to PSUnians. The department is also part of the SEAMEO – Southeast Asia technical and Vocational Education (SEA-TVET) and Credit Transfer program. This is to promote and develop the curriculum harmonization and internationalization of study programs as well as to create a sustainable networking platform among leaders and institutions in Southeast Asia.
In the Business and Office Administration Department, we are developing successful leaders/managers/entrepreneurs/results-oriented professionals who can use the theoretical and practical knowledge, technical skills, and values in their field of specialization, who never stop learning, and who are honest, ethical, and creative.
Looking into the future, we are confident that the department will continue to excel and embrace new opportunities in the decades ahead.
Thank you very much and may you have a pleasant virtual stay with us! GOD BLESS PSUNIANS!
Organizational Chart

- Management trainee in Human Resource Management
- Office Assistant
- Administrative Assistant
- Human Resource Assistant
- Entrepreneur
- Recruitment Assistant
- Compensation Assistant
- Benefits Assistant
- Executive Assistant
- Training and Development
The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Human Resource Development Management Program aims to prepare the graduates for a career in the specialized field of Human Resource Management which are essentially found in the manufacturing, marketing, service sectors, banking industries and others types of organizations whether locally or internationally, with respectable degree of credibility and integrity.
The BSBA-HRDM Program instills in the students the ability to lead and manage manpower by helping them acquire and develop the necessary skills and competencies by understanding the importance of team building, total quality management, communication, people skills and motivation in the organization to make them more competitive before they engage in strategic decisions in the business environment influenced by global competition.
Furthermore, HR assists line managers towards the right acquisition and development of skills and competencies of employees. HR gets involved in the administrative processes to ensure consistency in the handling and management of people. It focuses on the distinct functions of Human Resource Management like Job Organization and Information which involves job analysis, job design and job evaluation. Acquisition or procurement function which comprises of human resource planning, recruitment, screening, selection, and placement of employees. Maintenance function which encompasses the different phases such as orientation, physical working conditions, motivation, performance evaluation, compensation administration, benefits, services and management-labor relations. And the Development function which contains training and education, career planning and counseling.
Upon completion of the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, major in Human Resource Development Management, the graduates, who are trained in a culture of discipline, credibility, integrity and excellence, must be able to:
Promote a deep sense of nationalism and pride in the students’ own culture and national identity.
- Apply key theories, models and applications that underlie each of the functional areas of business within the local and global business context that supports and facilitates an appreciation of lifelong professional development.
- Communicate effectively with stakeholders using oral, writing, and electronic documentation skills.
- Work effectively and efficiently in collaborative activities with stakeholders and diverse team composition with minimal supervision
- Analyze the business environment using the appropriate decision making tools to critically, analytically, and creatively solve problems and drive results.
- Exercise strong corporate citizenship and social responsibility to preserve the Filipino values, moral and ethical standards in times of rapid development, urbanization and technological advancement.
- Apply technology effectively and efficiently as required by the business environment to enable business growth, development and sustainability.
- Articulate and discuss the latest trends and developments in Business and the emerging industry particularly in the Human Resource Development Management.
- Perform human resource development functions proficiently.
- Apply business knowledge, management concepts and ethical management and leadership skills to guide the organization in people development and to achieve the organization’s strategic direction.
- Prepare business-related plans such as marketing, business, product development plans as well as human resource plans like recruitment, training, compensation and other HR related plans.
- Conduct researches and studies related to human resource management.
Anchored on these core values, the PSU graduates are able to:
Demonstrate abilities and competencies acquired from their programs that are reflective of transparency, equity, participatory decision-making and accountability;
- Engage in relevant, comprehensive and sustainable development initiatives based on multiple perspectives that build professional credibility and integrity;
- Respond to challenging goals and tasks with determination and sense of urgency
- Produce quality outputs leading to inclusive growth and continuous improvement;
- Engage in life-long learning for a more dynamic advancement of professional skills and competencies;
- Meet industry needs and requirements of the local and international human capital requirements;
- Manifest social and environmental responsiveness to elevate the welfare of the multi-sectoral communities;
- Practice spiritual values and morally upright behavior to promote a dignified public image.