SCCC jump-starts Limited face-to-face classes

PSU San Carlos City Campus welcomed back student
It was a day full of excitement and euphoria as PSU San Carlos City Campus welcomed back students enrolled in various degree programs to the limited face-to-face classes.
To remove the students’ first day jitters, a short program was held on Monday, April 25, at the campus grounds.
Guidelines on health protocols to be observed within the campus were discussed along with the procedures for contact tracing and isolation.
Here are some snapshots on the symbolic day when the students have officially set their foot in the campus grounds for the very first time since the onset of the pandemic.
The Pangasinan State University San Carlos Campus, after a long halt, opens its doors Monday morning, April 25, 2022, for second-semester A.Y. 2021-2022. Students from the College of Hospitality Management, Business Administration & Computing, College of Teacher Education, and College of Agriculture excitingly entered the grounds in full gear – face masks and hygiene kits ready! Dr. Marie Claire B. Briones Campus Executive Director, being at the forefront of the said activity, together with the Campus Dean of the College of Education, College of Hospitality Management, Accounting and Computing, and College of Agriculture, Dr. Cristina L Javier, Dr. Juliet V. Menor and Dr. Balbina C. Gutierrez respectively, welcomed the students with smiles and matching banners as a warm greeting despite the social distancing protocols.
The opening of limited face-to-face classes commenced through a Flag raising ceremony conducted by the College of Agriculture led by Dr. Gutiterrez. The said activity was also assisted by Dr. Manolito C. Manuel, PSU Vice-President for Academic and Student Affairs in meeting the PSUnians, as well as monitoring the first day of the implementation of face-to-face classes. In line with this, respective college deans and unit heads followed through observation of classrooms to ensure the proper implementation of health and safety protocols.