EXTENSION: Training on Organic Container Gardening

Pangasinan State University- San Carlos Campus conducted a Training Organic Container Gardening, spearheaded by the pool of faculty of the College of Agriculture under the supervision of its College Dean, Dr. Balbina R. Gutierrez.

The goal of the said the training was to elevate the learning of the participants about organic container gardening that it is the art of planting and maintaining just about any organic vegetable or herb in temporary or permanent containers.

Hence, Sir Lester Arandia (CoAgri, Core Faculty) shared his knowledge on OCG, he advised the learners and the community members that when it comes to organic container gardening, there is a lot to know like its beneficial leap of learning videlicet,  no yard is necessary, just about anyone can do it, few tools and materials are needed, it’s relatively inexpensive to start and maintain, container gardens are, for the most part, weed-free, no tilling or digging is necessary (and we do not recommend that for any  type of garden, containers can be fitted and put in virtually any desired location, choose to put the garden in the most beneficial spot, better control over growing conditions, easier to protect plants from extreme or damaging weather conditions and  grow edible herbs and vegetables.

At the end of the training, Sir Larry Soriano (CoAgri, Core Faculty), shared this burp “if you have started your own organic container garden, you should be proud of yourself! Pat yourself on the back for your work and enjoy all the limitless benefits that can come from it” to the diligent attendees of the training.

Truly, there’s a pot of gold in gardening!